Skills For Real World Applications
2025 Class Schedule
Print V1 & V2 Cold Standards
Outstanding Instructor!
I can't recommend Donovan enough!
P1T is Exceptionally ran!
As a Navy Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician I’ve had the privilege of spending a decade in the military embedded in many different specialized units. I realized early on that to integrate seamlessly I needed to become highly proficient in many areas. Shooting was one such skill that became something more to me than just an occupational necessity. I’ve been very fortunate to have had the ability to expand my personal experience by having access to the most elite shooting schools/instructors. Always a student of my craft, I continue the practice of seeking out training with the best to this day.
Donovan Moore of Point 1 Tactics has earned the title of Grand Master in USPSA. He currently is the first and only one ever to achieve that milestone shooting the discipline from concealment. P1T’s credo will make you a more skilled and efficient shooter. The primary focus always being: Achieving a masterful level of the 3 Pillars; Grip/Sights/Trigger. As a responsible and capable firearm owner, you must understand the rationale behind self-exploration and finding what works best for you. When training with P1T you will be challenged, pushed beyond your comfort level, and expected to engage in effective communication. It is my goal to educate, identify a weakness, then give you homework to make that weakness a strength. I take great pride in the effective teaching of all students regardless of their previous experience level.
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Spreading the good word!
South Carolina
• Project Blue Lion
• Hybrid Pistol
• Pistol Performance
• AIWB Mechanics
• Mastering the Fundamentals
#point1tactics #p1t

1st ANNUAL NVG MATCH was a huge success!
We shot this match back in November.
Plans are already in place for 24 stages for this year’s match in November…… 8 months will be here soon!
Who’s going to join us, spots will be limited. Cash prizes, who’s knocking me off the throne ?! 😉
#point1tactics #p1t #nvg #uspsa #outlaw

I can’t wait to DQ all you crazy unsafe kids with your hipster AIWB harnesses! 10.5.16 is watching 😈
#point1tactics #p1t #uspsa

This hits so damn hard! 🔥
Custom APX setup with some love from my homie @make_ready_firearms Billy and his wife Angela are incredible people, go check them out.
What’s more American than a Top Gun quote on Old Glory slapped on a @tier1concealed APX Michael Myers custom kydex 🫠
Of course you know it’s holding that P1T ProSpec done up by @monsoon_tactical
#point1tactics #p1t #apx #tier1concealed #monsoontactical #makereadyfirearms

I got my rain poncho in my bag!
This will travel with me to every class and every outdoor competition. Zipper neck with drawstring hood.
Button down side to open up or lock down. Small compact bag to store.
@howitzerclothing always delivering !!! Big thanks!
#point1tactics #p1t #howitzerclothing